Knowing that Microsoft wants to spread Windows 8 to the public, they must release it during a good time.  Likely, Windows 8 RTM will be released in the fall right before school and winter shopping.  Partners such as Asus have already shown off demos of Windows 8 Tablets.  Until then, the release candidate is being tested and refined to optimize the user experience, especially the mouse and keyboard input.
Example of the new Windows 8 Metro Start Screen
Dear Windows 8 Daily Readers,
       I have decided to ask you all to help decide on Windows 8 Daily's official logo.  Please feel free to design any type of logo that is appropriate.  This is not mandatory but please help contribute to our site!  The winner will win a whole blog post about the person if wished.  The winner will be appreciated vastly.  If you are interested and have a nice logo, please feel free to email us at [email protected]

                          Thank You,
                                Peter Vu, Board of Directors

Windows 8 Daily has just opened a Twitter Page.  Here, we will report quick and fast news about Windows 8.  

Follow us at:!/Windows8Daily

Also, stay tuned for a Windows 8 Daily Facebook Page.

    There has been a lot of fuss about the upcomming Windows 8 Beta to succeed the Windows 8 Developer Preview.  Over CES and the upcomming MWC, many people want to know about the beta.      All we know so far is that it will not be called Windows 8 Beta but Windows 8 Consumer Preview.  Many developers are eagar to get their hands on the new build.  The showing of Windows 8 Developer Preview is on Wednesday Feburary 29th, 2012 from 3:00 to 5:00PM.  
    The "Consumer Preview" will consist of many new improvements including added programs such as Mail and new tweaks to the overall experience.  The "ribbon" UI shown in Windows 8 Explorer will be minimized to save screen space.  Also, companies such as Qualcomm and Texas Instruments will be showcasing the new ARM computers.
    Stay tuned as we get closer to teh event.

For more news head over to my youtube channel at:

It has been quite a good year here at Windows 8 Daily.  Especially at my youtube channel gainning subscribers every week.  I would like to thank all of my viewers by giving out a free exclusive Windows8Daily Calender to start the new year.  Thank You so much. File Link:
    In the Windows 8 Blog, Microsoft has posted a blog about installing updates in Windows 8. 
    In the past, Windows Update or WU, has interrupted users to try to install updates to the computer.  For example, when watching a movie or playing a game, windows would show a dialog box asking to install updates in let's say ten minutes.  Of course this annoys many users leading to the Windows Team to fix the problems.  Now updates install in about a day or two.  Everytime someone logs on the computer a message near the bottom right appears telling how many days it will be before Windows will install the updates needed to keep the computer up to date.  It can also sence when playing games or watching full-screen videos making WU saving the message to update the next time.
    You can read more at:

Please comment and discuss below.  If you have any questions, feel free to ask.

I really appreciate the support from those of you visiting this blog.  Thank you for making my site a success.  Recently, I have not been posting much because I have to do something.  Plus, there has not been really much news since the developer preview.  Once again thank you and please visit my youtube channel at:

Thank you for visiting Windows 8 Daily.  In this site, there will be daily news about Microsoft's upcoming operating system Windows 8.  I will try to post something new about Windows 8 every day.  Thank you again.